Leaving Cert 2025 August Preparation Course

August 2024

Leaving Cert 2025 August Preparation Course

Monday 19th – Wednesday 21st August

As students embark on their Leaving Cert studies, the Yeats College August Preparation Course provides Leaving Cert 2025 students an opportunity to create a strong foundation by focusing on the core subjects of Gaeilge, English and Mathematics.

This course will enable students to focus on key topics, examination questions as well as providing strategies and plans for a solid and effective year of learning.

Students will receive detailed notes on all aspects of the material covered during the course.

The Leaving Cert 2025 August preparation course is designed to provide students with an effective pathway for successful study throughout term one. 

One subject: €250
Two Subjects: €380
Three Subjects: €490

Course Content

Introduction to 6th year maths. We will introduce the following topics:
– Calculus
– Probability
– Sequences and series

We will use past exam papers to focus on exam technique for these topics.

Emphasis on key algebraic skills and techniques that features across the entire curriculum. Essential analysis of exam questions will happen throughout.

Lessons will highlight the importance of key words and how they relate to methods, graphs and other visuals.


  • Algebra (Equations and Expressions)
  • Functions and Graphing
  • Trigonometry
  • Exam Paper Practice

This Irish Course is designed to make students feel confident in Irish as an exam subject as they begin 6th year.

As explained below, we will look at each section of the Irish Leaving Cert exam: Paper One, Paper Two and indeed the Oral Examination.

As well as providing in-depth notes and exam questions, I will give key advice and study tips on how to approach Irish as an exam subject in the year ahead.

Páipéar I

  • Ceapadóireacht/Aiste:
    We will focus on topical issues and exam questions asked in previous exam papers.
  • Cluastuiscint:
    We will look at the skills required for excelling in the Listening section with the focus on vocabulary building.

Páipéar II

  • Filíocht & Prós:
    We will study exam questions on the poetry and prose sections and identify the techniques required to answer on the literary questions.
  • Léamhthuiscint:
    Vocabulary building and grammar techniques required for the question 6(b).

An Bhéaltriail

We will study sample answers on answering the conversation in the oral exam.

The Yeats College English preparation course will set out a structure for the academic year. The course is designed to enable students to write effectively with flair, confidence and accuracy.

We will focus primarily on the following:

  • Composition themes and approaches to effective writing
  • Writing for impact and accuracy
  • Comprehension strategies and examination technique
  • Poetry one poet from the course
  • Exam questions and analysis
  • Drama Shakespeare king Lear
  • Themes and characters
  • Questions and examination technique

Early Bird Booking Offer Ends Oct 14th

Due to the nature of these courses, class numbers will be limited and early bird booking is available to all students who book prior to Friday 14th October.




A detailed course outline is available on the booking page for each course. 

Class times vary between Galway and Waterford please see the booking page of our website for exact times.

Recordings of your courses will be available the week after they finish.

Our Revision Courses notes are designed to be used in conjunction with our classes. Notes are not available to purchase on their own.